Friday, November 18, 2011


Brennan has been eating his bananas and rice pretty well. He slurps up the bowls happily. Today I tried mixing in pears and rice and he loved it. I also got to use my new Baby Bullet that makes really smooth pureed baby food, it works wonderful! I'm sure Brennan will become great friends with the baby bullet. I'm really excited for him to try new foods. With Sara it was such a drag feeding her because she didn't like anything. I think Brennan would eat paint off the wall happily.

Brennan has been laughing a lot more, he is really ticklish as well. He is able to sit himself up a little bit now but he can't hold himself up. He likes to be held while he's standing up on his little bowed legs.

He's mostly been sleeping through the night, some nights if he has gas he's up every 2 hours. Those night are very painful. I'm used to only getting up once a night with him. Any more makes me super tired.

It's hard to believe that next week he'll be 4 months old!

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