Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beginning Crawling

The week Brennan turns four months old, I put him down on the carpet on his back and he rolled over to his front. It took him a while to do it at first but now he can do it more quickly. According to the internet when I googled ages and stages they aren't supposed to be able to do this until 6 months of age. I'm trying to get a good video of him doing it. Also he is getting his legs up under him which is the beginning practice for crawling. I got a video of him doing that.

Also he eats like a horse. Technically he's only supposed to be trying solids just now but we started three weeks early. He's been eating tons of Banana and Pear. According to the baby food book the amount of food I make him should last 3-4 days, and we're lucky to get breakfast and dinner out of it. Just today he tried peas and I had to stop him from eating it to make sure he wasn't going to get sick. I'll give him the rest of it tonight as I didn't notice that he had any problems digesting it today.

I LOVE the baby bullet. It's so easy to just cut up food and blend it up. I keep everything ready right on the counter. He's usually really impatient waiting on his food and the bullet gets it to him quicker than me mashing it with a fork, far less lumpy too. I have no idea why anyone would ever feed their baby out of a jar! Besides that, it's so much fun to make baby food.

Brennan went to the doctor this week to get his ears rechecked. Thankfully he didn't have an ear infection, still just some fluid behind his ear drum which will hopefully go away. He did weigh in at 14.15lbs! I can't wait until his 4 month check up next week to see what his growth percentile is.

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