Saturday, November 26, 2011

4 months old

I realized today it's been maybe a week since I have taken pics of Brennan and he's growing up so fast.

I'm trying to take pics so that I can look back and see how he grew every few weeks.

Here's one of him in the car seat. We went to see the Christmas lights in the park tonight and he stayed awake until the very end and them totally passed out.

I'm hoping he is getting more hair. Sometimes it looks blond and other times it still looks brown.

He does good surprise looks. He still doesn't really like the camera.

Cute smile and I think his eyes are still mostly blue. I really notice that he has my eyebrows, or Grandpa Sears' eye brows, kind of a rounded brow.

Today he tried avocado for the first time. He had a little rash on his cheeks later so I may have to watch for a diaper rash and discontinue the avocado if so. I also learned not to make avocado puree in the Baby Bullet. It turns into foam. He didn't really like it all that much either so I think from now on I'll hand mash it and mix it in with peas.

He's getting more and more mobile. When you're holding him now he always wants to try to sit up. Today he kept sitting up and trying scoot away, reaching for objects near him. Dan played with him on the floor too and he was getting his legs up under him really well. His arms aren't strong enough yet though to crawl away though.

He's slept the last 4 nights in a row all through the night. He does not go to bed until 10:30, which is later than I'd like but it helps him get through the night I guess. He gets up at about 6:30 when Dan gets up. It's so nice not to have to get up at 3 a.m. with him. Usually when he gets up at 3, I can't get him back to bed until 5 a.m. When he gets up that early so it takes a big chunk of my sleep, especially if I can't get to bed until midnight. Four nights of sleep may not exactly be permanent but it's hopeful. There is no reason at his weight and as much as he eats that he shouldn't be sleeping through the night now.

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