Friday, November 25, 2011


Mr. Moose had a good Thanksgiving once it was over. He was a bit afraid of the big crowd and all the noise. He cried pretty steadily until we left and then he seemed fine. I've noticed one other time that he seemed really unhappy to be in a different place and when we got home he seemed fine. I hope he is more easy going as he gets older. He also hates for me to leave him with his Dad or anyone else. He prefers me to hold him. I hope that's just a phase, although it's flattering to be preferred, in the long run it means not having any breaks :(

He's still eating like a champ. I think we'll try avocado tomorrow and maybe sweet potato next week. He's already eating tons of peas and bananas. Sometimes he doesn't even want his bottle any more, he'd rather eat from a spoon. He can hold the spoon with both hands and get it into his mouth. Tonight he grabbed the food bowl away from me and put it up to his mouth and tried to drink out of it. It's one of those exciting stages where they start to reach out for objects. I can't believe his coordination though, he's definitely about 2 months ahead of his age, maybe more.

Also today I had to put away all of his 0-3 months clothes. He is wearing 6-12 months clothes now. He's so chunky and cute. I think he gets cuter ever day and his personality is really starting to show. He loves to sit with me and be tickled and laugh. He also loves to be lifted up by his arms or elbows up onto his feet. He and Daddy play that game over and over and Dan says to him when he stands up, "You did it!" and Brennan smiles, it's really cute. He has such strong legs that he can stand up himself with very little help, he just needs to be steadied.

Brennan goes for his 4 months check up next Friday. I'm excited to see how it goes. I can't believe he's been so healthy. Sara had a terrible cough this week and possibly walking pneumonia and Dan and a terrible cough the weekend before. Brennan has had little more than a few sniffles and I'm sooo thankful! It's eliminated a lot of my worry and anxiety.

As Christmas approaches I'm so thankful to have Brennan here and that he's healthy, happy, and thriving. I hope I can just relax now and just have a great holiday with my two cute kids and the best husband ever.

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