Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Moosey Questionnaire

I have to fill out Brennan's 4 month old questionnaire before we go to the doctor on Friday. It's basically a bunch of questions you have to answer about their development that help the doctor determine if they are developing correctly for their age. Some of the questions are like, "If you hold a toy in front of them and move it side to side, do their eyes follow it and do they turn their head?" It's kind of fun to do the little experiments with your baby to see if they do it or not. Brennan did 98% of it. There are even lots of things he does that aren't on the questionnaire.

I am going to talk to the doctor about his appetite. For the last 3 days I can't feed him enough. He cries and cries non-stop, shoving his hands in his mouth. He has to be eating constantly. We feed him until he can't hold any more.

I know he must be burning more calories and he's sleeping through the night longer so he's starving when he wakes up. He is moving around a lot right now. If you put him down on the floor, he's a good 3 or 4 feet from where you left him in a matter of minutes. He can roll away and scoot himself with his back legs. He's so solid, like a little bull dog and he so determined, he just keeps pushing and pushing with his legs until he gets somewhere.

Also he tries to sit up and roll out of his high chair and bouncer and will pull himself up if there's a handle he can hold on to. Sara did not do that until 7 or 8 months and most babies don't even start doing that until the end of 5 months or 6 months.

Also, I know this sounds crazy but he says "Mama". Dan and I have heard him several times and tonight he said it so clearly it freaked me out a little. It was cute to hear his little voice though. Dan always says to him, "Do you want that Mama?", so maybe he's picking it up.

He is totally wearing me out during the day, he is so high energy and frantic about eating and moving around. The only calm and peaceful moments we have are after he is stuffed to the brim, and then he's puking on me a lot, or when he's in the bath tub he's quite calm.

I wouldn't be surprised if he weighs fifteen and a half pounds or sixteen pounds on Friday, he already looks so much bigger to me this week.

I'm hoping we can get through this stage where he's feeling so frustrated, I just keep telling myself this can't last forever.

It is nice that he's sleeping through the night better. For 4 nights he slept from 10:30 p.m. to 7 a.m, which was awesome! Then last night he went to bed at 11 p.m. and got up at 5 a.m, not so awesome. Still, at least I haven't had to get up with him at 3 a.m. for about a week now, I hope the trend continues.

I really want him to grow up so that he can communicate better and be happier but at the same time I'm worried he's growing up too fast and I already feel sad about that.

Yes, he has big feet!

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